Book Now

Our bookings platfom has an app for your phone or tablet.
You wont find it however on the usual app stores. Click Here for easy installation instructions


Step 1: Log in/Create an account

Log-in to manage your yoga classes. You can purchase your passes or memberships here. Make class bookings to reserve a place for IN-STUDIO classes, or receive the link for VIRTUAL classes. 

Step 2: Purchase a pass

Check out your pass options below. There are a variety of options to suit your  committment levels and preferences.

Step 3: Reserve your yoga classes from the schedule.

Lock in a time to come and learn with us. There are times to fit every schedule.  


Make a start now if you are keen!

We are happy to chat and answer any questions you have about starting classes or the method of Iyengar Yoga.
Classes do fill up, and bookings are essential.

Yoga Essentials Passes

Yoga Courses for Beginners


Special Offer for beginners

Sign up for any of the YOGA ESSENTIALS Courses & attend UNLIMITED essentials classes (up to 7 classes each week in term 4) at no extra cost. Yes that is amazing value!
We recommend that participants aim for consistent attendance with a minimum of 1-class each week over the term. Commit to a regular class time (or times) and experience improvement in mobility, strength, balance, energy and mood.

UNLIMITED attendance in all ESSENTIALS classes at no extra cost


Up to 7 classes per week @ only $21 per week)


Up to 63 classes over 9 weeks for only $190


Please contact reception for late-enrolment pro-rata bookings

 Annual Memberships

Direct debit. No lock-in Contract. Regular fortnightly payment cycle.
Hassle free and excellent value.


1 class per week at $19.75 per class
$39.50 payable fortnightly until cancelled


2 classes per week at $18.75 per class
$75 payable fortnightly until cancelled


1 pranayama class per week at $14.75 per class
Payable fortnightly until cancelled


UNLIMITED Asana Classes

Tapas – disciplined practice, burning zeal.
All Asana Classes in studio
Restorative Classes
All Zoom Asana Classes

Fortnightly Payments of $98 until cancelled



Kriya  क्रिया – path of action
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.1 defines three aspects. Tapas (dedicated practice), Svadhyaya (study of the self), and Isvara pranidhana (devotion or surrender to higher consciousness).

All Asana Classes
Pranayama Classes
Restorative Classes
Led Practice
All Zoom Classes
Open Practice (Coming term 1)

Also Included:

Priority Booking and Discounts for Workshops, Intensives & Retreats

Fortnightly Payments of $128 until cancelled

beginners yoga Newcastle

“Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence, & benevolence of spirit”
BKS Iyengar

Courses and Casual Passes


Single Class Pass


Single Concession


Essentials Single


10-class Pass


10-class Pass Concession


Pranayama Single