Alan Goode Workshop

Dec 26, 2024

Newcastle Yoga hosted a weekend workshop with Alan Goode in our beautiful little space in Georgetown.

Alan’s teaching is enriched by decades of dedicated practice, study, innovation & contemplation.

The weekend’s theme focused on Samyama, the outcomes of Patanjali’s 8-limbed (ashtanga) system, comprised of Concentration, Meditation and Absorption.

Alan gave a short introduction around the understanding, from a yoga viewpoint, that the mind is always busy. That mind, or consciousness has components which can be recognised and observed in ourselves, and that the practice of Yoga Asanas and Pranayama is the perfect vehicle for such self-study.

Over the weekend as we practiced we were led on an inward journey. There were sign-posts of what to look out for along the way in particular those obstacles in the form of psychological habits that prevent us from being present. The Iyengar tools of the trade, Technique, Timing, Sequencing and Repetition were utilised as we were prompted to contemplate our mind-states : Fluctuating, Dull, Oscillating, Single-pointed or absorbed?

It was a wonderful workshop full of humour and compassion. We look forward to Alan’s return next year, and the experience of travelling deeper into the heart of practice.